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Are you a micromanager? Have you ever been micromanaged? Here are 5 ways To Become A Stronger Leader

Updated: Mar 31


Leaders assist themselves and others in making the best decisions. They establish the tone, develop a compelling vision, and invent something unique. It is dynamic, interesting, and inspirational to map out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization.

While leaders establish the course, they must also utilize management abilities to ensure that their people arrive at their goals in a timely and efficient manner.

What Capabilities Does a Strong Leader Have?

When you can motivate, encourage, inspire, and push your team to do their best work, you are a good leader. Strong leadership brings a team together around a single goal and fosters workplace connections that allow for greater communication, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.


Leaders assist themselves and others in making the best decisions. They establish the tone, develop a compelling vision, and invent something unique. It is dynamic, interesting, and inspirational to map out where you need to go to "win" as a team or an organization.

While leaders establish the course, they must also utilize management abilities to ensure that their people arrive at their goals in a timely and efficient manner.

What Capabilities Does a Strong Leader Have?

When you can motivate, encourage, inspire, and push your team to do their best work, you are a good leader. Strong leadership brings a team together around a single goal and fosters workplace connections that allow for greater communication, creativity, and problem-solving abilities.

5 Ways to Become a Strong Leader:

1. Constant Learning:

"Leadership and learning are inextricably linked," John F. Kennedy stated. When things change quickly, it's critical to keep learning and challenging oneself. Examine the traits, demeanors, and communication styles of other leaders. Although you are not required to replicate another leader's style, you should combine some of their characteristics into your own.

Additionally, you must constantly improve yourself in order to develop competitiveness. Strong leaders read books, undertake training, and attend lectures that can empower them to be more productive or disciplined.

2. Accept responsibility for their errors.

Leaders, like everyone else, make errors. Employees want to see that their boss is not hesitant to acknowledge when he or she has made a mistake. If you've made a mistake on a report or made a poor choice regarding a project's direction, consider sharing it with the team so they can understand that, despite your high standards, you're not immune to human error. This informs your workers that you understand errors happen and that if they make one, you'll be there to help them fix it.

3. Encourage their team.

You'll create a friendly work atmosphere that your employees will enjoy if you provide constant encouragement. Most people want to be acknowledged for a job well done as well as given encouragement to keep going. People want to feel that their leader believes in them and that they can make critical decisions in the workplace. If a team member lacks the confidence to apply for a promotion or share an idea at a team meeting, your support may go a long way toward allowing him or her to take action on something they may not have been comfortable with previously.

You may also urge your staff to think creatively to come up with new ideas by encouraging them to think beyond the box. Employees will look up to you as a strong leader and ally in the workplace if you offer them enough encouragement.

4. Are truthful and honest.

One of the traits that employees look for in a leader is truthfulness and honesty. When someone on your team thinks you're honest, they'll quickly think you're trustworthy. Your staff must understand that you act with honesty and integrity and that you want to encourage them to do so as well. You may show your honesty in a variety of ways, including being willing to give constructive comments on an employee's performance, keeping the team up to date on corporate developments, and acknowledging when you don't know everything.

5. Get to know their colleagues:

It's critical to get to know the people you'll be leading if you want to become a better leader. Planning trips with team-building activities that emphasize working together, or scheduling one-on-one time to talk with each member of the team, can help you get to know them. Some leaders choose a variety of methods to communicate with their team members. Whatever path you take, think about how you might learn more about the people who work with you.

Consider inquiring about their professional objectives, aims, requirements, and desires. Demonstrate your commitment to assisting them in achieving their goals. You'll have a greater understanding of what motivates each individual as a result of these sessions, and you'll be able to lead them better as a consequence.

In the case of an intimate relationship, or friendship you have to know your partner's creative abilities and what they bring to the table. Where one is weaker is where another one can be stronger - a golden rule. It is important to know what you both can contribute.

The Deeper Issues

I am sure you have experienced management issues at some point and time in your life. Whether it is that pesky spouse that tries to control every aspect of your life - impeding your creativity. Or that micro-manager that strings you like a puppet dictating every activity and your every move. Well sorry to say controllers, and micro- managers but this is not the way. What is the purpose in employing someone to do a job when they have to constantly be a puppet and stringed. What is the purpose of having a spouse that you have to monitor their every move and command their every decision. You have to empower people to be creative, not imposing on their creative freedom. Because if you want multiple minds to assist you with a task, goal, or dream but want to command every wave within their stream of consciousness, then you might as well be the only mind - and do the tasks, and achieve the goals yourself. Is this a trust issue. Well we will talk about that topic at a later time.

The video below is an example of great leadership. Great leadership comes in the form of being a strategist.

An Example Of Good Leadership

In the video specific tasks and mission essential assignments were given, as he did not micromanage or dictate to the people how to carry out the tasks every step of the way. He knew every one had their own unique powers and abilities as he also knew what positions to place people in to use those unique abilities and strengths. So what is the deeper message. Always trust! And when in doubt, let's just say don't do it!

What if you are not a leader?

If you are not a leader, you won’t ever be able to stand up for something that you believe in. You will always be at the mercy of your superiors and their command. If you stay a follower, you can only accomplish what others want of you.

To follow your own dream, to not work for others only, to build your own business, you need to own your life. And to do that, you need to be a strong leader.

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