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F.O.O.D. Fate of Our Diet


Fundamentals Of Our Diet

Were you there during the process of crop cultivation, manufacturing and preparation, to quality inspection and examination, to transportation, to the product reaching its end user whether that be a store, restaurant, organization, or other intended destination?

If we really knew what we were eating most of us will be in a state of devastation.

When you look at the ingredients do you ever have suspicions or reservations?

Have you noticed over time, how the taste of the foods at your favorite restaurant changed over the course of generations?

Do you ever wonder why health issues are increasing amongst all populations?

Nutrition is an essential component of our diet within our civilization.

But, many of us can’t afford proper nutrition because of costs and inflation

when compared to our crippling wages and compensation.

This leads to people finding a suitable substitute for the sake of the accommodation of the tastes’ of our imagination.

This also leads to nutritional deficiency causing our bodies to enter a state of ketosis —as a result of nutritional deviation.

We should eat in moderation

and not only…for the purpose of our own gratification.

There should be both, a combination of consumption of food for our desires’ gratification alongside of nutritional valuation.


Facts Of Our Diet

Did you know back in the ancient times people caught lead poisoning because they were using items containing lead?

That should be evidence that it’s not only about what you are eating but also what you are cooking it in—

alongside of the additives and preservatives within the product therein.

And how it’s cooked is another thing to consider—

that’s whether it is broiled, baked, fried, grilled, steamed, raw, or simmered.

When it comes to the human body this is a key clause on what ingredients, additives, microorganisms, and by products are delivered.

Chronic or acute exposure to some ingredients can be harmful during the pre, and post processing by our intestines and liver.

Bon Apetit!

You are what you eat!

Your body is the recipient;

you are the giver.

What you eat is a core contributor on how good health is hindered.


For Our Own Desires

Wow look at that plump juicy biscuit!

It looks like it tastes terrific!

But…I wonder is it true and as accurate as the picture exhibits…?

At times, it is not an actual depiction of what is advertised, nor is it an intelligible description of what the ingredients describes.

Ultimately it tastes good;

but…we have little concern of what resides inside.

Society is so infatuated with the euphoria of taste—totally unaware of the consequences of solely being dietarily hypnotized.

Also society is totally unaware that the nutritional value of some foods —are under quantified partly because the nutritional facts are not generally publicized.

Even though in some instances the consequences of ingesting the food are specified, we still remain culinarily glorified.

Regardless of the information that we may know the ingredient provides and without regard to the hazardous health effects, our desires are still not nullified.

And it’s not until we become ill and hospitalized,

to when we become concerned and petrified.

And then we return to our pre-existing unhealthy eating habits once we have survived.


Fate Of Our Diet

Is better baked, broiled, steamed, raw, grilled, or fried?

Continually not being focused on the benefits the ingredients provides

as well as not adhering to the adverse health effects alongside of the warnings that were advised

can fatally lead to our demise.

This is an epitaph—an epitaph in which we were the scribe.

Now it’s far too late!

You were what you ate!

Maybe if you were mindful of what you ingested, and swallowed your pride,

you probably would still be healthy and alive.

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