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Glimmer In The Shade

On a waning moon, the sky growls, and the clouds weep. There are no legs or tires moving about the streets. While sitting in my pickup parked in a cul-de-sack, I gaze at a house contemplating a plan to where my entry could not be detected. I turn off my wipers. I became mildly irritated by their sound, as they shriek. And then... I realized it was not my wipers that was causing the irritating squeaks. The window to the house was partially open. I hear continuous squeaks similar to rusty hinges on a door that creaks. I get out of my pickup and neared the window and I peeked- but due to the foggy sweating window, there is only but so far, my eyesight can reach. While peeping into the blinds I see red polished fingernails vertically maneuvering up and down a spine. A faint rainbow-colored light trickled and glistened briefly. I felt compelled to discover what this mysterious glimmer beyond the shade.

My conscience was telling me “No!” but I disobeyed. I un-holstered my knife from my sheath. On the second level of the dwelling, I noticed another partially opened window but the ledge was too far for me to clench onto and reach. I retrieved a ladder from the flatbed of my pickup and positioned it beneath the windows ledge. I am anxious to discover what is the glimmer beyond the shade.

I tiptoed down the staircase as silent as a mouse enclosed in a sound-proof cage. “Is it a burglar?” I ask myself. As I neared the bedroom door, I become a bit afraid. I hear muffled noises from beyond the closed bedroom door. I inhale and exhale heavily, attempting to contain my rage. I gently twist the knob, shoved the door, it swiftly swings open like a starving lion eyeing his prey as he violently breaches open the cage. I entered the room... and there she was... getting laid! They continued their endeavors and were unaware of my presence in the bedroom. He continued to mount her thrusting into her gaped open legs. She passionately maneuvered her palms from the middle of his spine to his shoulder blades. I finally discovered what the glimmer was beyond the shade. It was the platinum diamond ring on her finger, that glistened, and trickled, when the diamonds came into contact with the dim illumination beyond the lamp's shade.

The man then turned his head around, and I felt betrayed. My father is who she engaged. I become enraged. They attempted to run. I caught them in the kitchen as they were headed for the back door. With my blade, I dug into both of their guts like a block of wood that was being cut with a lathe. I vigorously look into their eyes until their consciousness permanently fades. I then sit on the porch calmly, tearless, I was emotionally un-phased. My ex-girlfriend and my once lived father lie on the floor slayed!

For a lifetime, I know I will be locked in a cage. I should have never peeped into the blinds out of curiosity to discover what the glimmer was beyond the shade. The law punishes you in these times faulting you for the way you behave. I am sure they would have done the same thing if they were in my shoes. Do you want to trade? If I never get caught, I will take this secret with me to the grave.

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