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Have Low Self Esteem? Don't Like what you see in the mirror? Here's 5 Ways To Introduce Self Belief

Updated: Mar 31

In today's fast-paced life, our minds are constantly getting bombarded with information and, as we continue consuming fancy versions of realities for entertainment, it is only natural to start doubting ourselves. However, befriending these doubts can make you feel stuck and prevent you from accomplishing your goals.

It is thus important now more than ever to have an unwavering self-belief and not just have it but also consistently nourish it. Self-belief is a belief in yourself, your abilities, knowledge, skills, and values.

Whether we bring personal life or professional life under consideration, a strong self-belief is a prerequisite for success, so introducing and developing self-belief will go a long way.

5 ways to introduce self-belief

1. Identify your strengths and achievements

Identify your strengths and build on them instead of focusing on your weaknesses. For instance, if you are good at writing, actively try to improve your writing skills to build confidence in your writing ability and contribute to the development of overall self-belief.

Furthermore, your self-belief can dwindle if you disregard your strengths and achievements as, this way, you will have no material ground to support your trust in your abilities. It is thus crucial to acknowledge your achievements as well. A good way is to list them out and keep that list close by so whenever doubt creeps in, you can reach out to it and remind yourself of all the awesome things you have accomplished.

2. Face your fears and conquer them

It is natural for us to feel a little anxious and fear the negative consequences of an action but that must not stop us from doing things we truly want to. Turn your fear into action to save yourself from regrets that may follow holding yourself back. You can build your self-belief by experiencing things rather than obsessing over the outcomes.

Go ahead and outperform others with your courage in that interview for your dream job or that presentation at school, just do not sit back because of your fear of failure and embarrassment. Remember the words of Ralph Waldo Emerson, well-known American essayist, and philosopher, “Do the thing we fear, and death of fear is certain.”

3. Practice positive self-talk and affirm yourself

Negative emotions and unwillingness to do things often emerge from negative opinions about ourselves so nip the evil in the bud by replacing negative thoughts with positive ones. Practicing positive self-talk and taking out time for positive affirmations every day is a surefire way to boost self-belief.

Not only that, according to the Mayo Clinic, positive self-talk can improve coping skills, psychological well-being and even lengthen lifespan so the benefits are worth reaping.

To begin, you can employ the following few positive self-affirmations that generally work for most of us :

● “I am capable.”

● “I am in the driving seat of my car’s life.”

● “I can do anything that I can imagine through persistence and hard work.”

● "My abilities, skills, and knowledge can help me shape my life in the desired way."

4. Do not compare yourself to others

Theodore Roosevelt said, “Comparison is the thief of joy,” and true it is.

Whether it is comparing your looks, your house, or your salary with that of your friends, it negatively impacts self-belief as while doing so, we let go of the fact that life is not a competition and ignore other’s struggles. In turn, we start doubting ourselves and lose focus and joy. In order to strengthen your self-belief and kill the urge to compare, change your mindset and practice gratitude.

5. Change your perspective and be kind to yourself

If you are not open to the possibilities of mistakes and mishaps, failure will take you by surprise and leave you confused so, it is better to change your perspective and believe in yourself and, that ups and downs are normal occurrences in life.

In addition, change the way you look at failures, see them as opportunities to learn and grow so that you may remain kind to yourself when coming across a failure or making a mistake. Practicing self-compassion regularly is crucial for a resolute self-belief, especially in times of hardships.

A study published in the Journal of Personality in 2009 showed that self-compassion contributes to more consistent confidence.


To conclude, we must work on self-belief consistently as it is critical for turning our dreams into reality. Once we have laid a solid foundation of self-belief, come what may, it can help us persevere in the face of setbacks and transform our life for the better.

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