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How to Get Rich & Stay Rich.

What Is R.I.C.H.?

Even though rich and wealth are terms of separate vocabulary entities —

with definitions that means different

things individually,

They both have similarities.

You will never be rich nor accumulate wealth if you have monetary incompetence or if you only exercise a strong work ethic, seldomly, periodically, or intermittently.

You will only accumulate wealth if you regularly practice financial literacy while incorporating a strong work ethic habitually.

The only way this can occur,

is if you don’t let unnecessary expenses incur, while conjunctively creating opportunities to make income residually.

While on the road to the riches, you will always come to that fork in the road —causing you to choose from navigating towards your needs or navigating towards your wants.

Some say “I’ll just hit the lottery one day and get rich.”

Of course! Everyone out of trillions of people inhabiting this planet does! That’s a great eclectic thought!

But, what is the probability of this happening realistically?

According to various web sources- you have a one in 292.2 millionth chance, statistically.

What does it take to be rich?

Where do you want to be in the near, or far future?

Do you feel that you are greater than what you are and where you are?

Do you feel that feeling getting stronger now more than ever before?

Do you constantly feel you are deserving of more?

In the sands of your reality do you have a tendency to daydream causing your mind to go offshore?

What many people who think like you had to do is—craft their dreams from the ground floor.

They reign success because they have weathered through the downpour.

They wanted success to come quick.

In order to succeed, fun is one thing they had to omit.

When they have failed, they wanted to quit.

But, their beliefs and strong convictions towards their dreams, did not allow them to detour.

You may ask yourself “What is he saying this to me for?”

I’m telling you this because you have the rich mindset.

You may have goals, but realize there will always be air balls before you score.

In order to be rich you have to S.U.F.F.E.R.

Not suffer as in torture more so suffer as in, Sacrifice Urself For Future Expectations & Rewards.

You have to abandon your now for what the future has in store.

Now can definitely offer you things, but the future offers you much more.

Another principle of S.U.F.F.E.R. is your ability to Sort Uneccessary Funds From Expenditures & Revenue.

For everything you spend you have to ask yourself “how the product or service will benefit you, or is it even beneficial to you? What is its use value? How does this product or service change what you do?

If you don’t do this, money will not accrue.

If you accommodate your wants, your needs will read be past due.

Debt will then spring into action and accumulate like morning grass covered in dew.

Rich Success Stories

There are a lot of people who suffered. Bill Gates who dropped out of college to pursue his dream with his childhood friend. Oprah Winfrey who was born poor in Mississippi and now is a billionaire. Do Won Chang who once worked as a janitor. Ed Sheeran who dropped out of school and slept at subway stations. J.K. Rowling who was a struggling single mother before she wrote Harry Potter.

So if you are going through the storm you are sharing a similar experience; don’t feel singled out.

Persistence, and dedication, will lead to manifestation as your bronze road will transform into gold from copper.

Money is prevalent. Remember, you are only going through the struggle for your own development. In greater tax brackets, there are greater struggles in which you will be filtered from those whom are financial irresponsible who let their expenses be their monetary impediment, from those who remain financially resilient and intelligent.

Im rich! But, how do I stay rich …?

There is a common saying a fool and his money are soon parted.

One rule is never forget about the point from which you started.

Second rule is when you are rich and on the road to wealth you are always a target.

Third rule is few will remain your friend once money has departed.

Remember these rules, and bookmark it.

There is a four pillar way to get rich and it definitely is not solely by gaining steady raises on your nine to five. If you have a high yielding income you still are not exempt from this concept because you did one key thing and that is invest. Whether that be invest in education,(an investment in knowledge pays the best interest— Benjamin Franklin) invest in stocks, or even something as simple as invest in yourself.

Have you ever heard of ever heard of millionaires swiftly becoming thousandnaires? That’s right!

You’re net-worth can swiftly become your scarce-worth.

According to a 2016 article in the Washington Post titled “Even if you’ve got money live like you’re broke.” written by Personal Finance columnist Michelle Singletary. Rich people stay rich by living like they are broke, and broke people stay broke by living like they’re rich, Michelle says. With that said, we begin to realize that being rich is not a status quo. Rich is just a composite financial science that is a component of wealth. Being rich means to skillfully replenish what you spend, while setting up residual ways to supplement, and increase your income. When you condition your mind to do this consistently— it then becomes effortless, and a routine part of you habitually. If you spend 5 dollars, don’t only make what you spent back. Make at least double of what you have spent back. This goes into a concept called replenishing. Spending without replenishing is going to lead to your finances diminishing. Steadily increase your salary through a means of passive income that costs you no more than ten percent of your profit.

One for sure way to do this is to use one or more of the P.A.I.D. guidelines.

Those guidelines are:

(1)Passive income.




Get PAID! Not compensated!

How do I get W.E.A.L.T.H….?

Three common points to remember when you attain wealth are:

(1)Do things that save money.

(2)Protect your money.

(3)Do things that make you money.

A common misconception is that being rich is wealthy when in fact, the term “rich” is nothing more than an applied economic business science that leads to the interstates of wealth. But, how do you get wealth?

You certainly do not get wealth from working from the sweat of your brow jeopardizing your health. Primarily, you must have financial discipline and a monetary wisdom instilled in thy self.

The way to wealth is not through fixed salaries. It is achieved when you have variable earnings, or employment to where you get compensated per production.

There is an old saying “it’s not your salary that makes you rich, it’s your spending habits.” - Charles A. Jaffe

That leads to the very first principle to the acronym W.E.A.L.T.H.

Watch Expenditures Attain Legal Tender Habitually.

You are going to stagger your account balance on your financial staircase if you go on frivolous and frequent spending sprees.

But ,we have to spend money at some point! What can we do to earn money while spending money?

How do I keep W.E.A.L.T.H?

Simple terms, but it is a complex science within the business industry.

Let’s take Jeff Bezos for example. According to a 2023 yahoo article written by Jing Pan, “Billionaires like Jeff Bezos, Elon Musk, and George Soros pay less income tax than you and he you can replicate the same strategy legally, says, Jing Pan. In 2007 and 2011 Jeff Bezos did not pay a penny in federal income taxes. It was also pointed out that CEO Elon Musk paid no federal income tax in 2018 and investor George Soros did the same thing three years in a row. Per a pro publica report between the years 2014 and 2018, Bezos only paid 972 million in taxes on 4.22 billion meanwhile his wealth grew by 99 billion; the true tax rate during this time was only .98 percent, yahoo says.

This supports the R.I.C.H. principle. All of these billionaires replenished their income and increased their compensation and —they did this habitually which led to W.E.A.L.T.H —Watch Expenditures Attain Legal Tender Habitually. They also applied the second concept of W.E.A.L.T.H., Write-off Expenditures Attain Legal Tender Habitually.

The mastery of this business science ranges from corporations, to individuals, and places of worship within ministry.

Incorporating the principles will gradually lead to financial liberty.

You can also accomplish these same feats individually.

Remember, money talks.

But if money is in the hands of an individual that does not have financial literacy money will only utter a soliloquy.

Hire an investor, an accountant, and a tax professional if you only know the principles of W.E.A.L.T.H, tentatively.

R.I.C.H. is not…?

To get to wealth you have to be intentional about the investments you put forth. R.I.C.H. is not Receiving Instant Compensation Hopefully. Continual practice of financial health will gradually lead to wealth. Scratch offs, gambling, and the likes are not promising ways that will gain you financial prosperity. Put money in places to where you can see what your money is doing, with clarity.

W.E.A.L.T.H. is not…?

Scandalous businesses practices, employment to where there can be no tax deduction, and other methods of treachery and corruption, will timely lead to your downfall —where you will experience irreversible financial hardships and a lifestyle interruption. W.E.A.L.T.H. is not Without Ethics Attaining Legal Tender Hideously

Sam Bankman—Fried, Alex Murdaugh, Glynn Davis, Bernard Maydoff, and Will Bynum and the likes—all have reaped the consequences of get rich quick schemes and fraud. Be wise and don’t join the impending doom of their legacy.

Get your money ethically. Theoretically, financial crimes are the most punishable under law historically, (up to 845 years-Sholam Weiss).

Ponzi, pyramid, and get rich quick schemes leads to bar scenes. I’m not referring to a place that serves alcohol. I’m referring to a place to where you have no freedom at all.

We shall condone ways to do business competitively, but never condone ways to do business deceptively.

The Bottom Line

You will build money once you control your materialistic desires.

There will be few yes’s, and there will be many no’s,

when you walk on the staircase to the rich status quo.

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