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K.A.R.M.A. Konsequences Are Results of My Actions

I have done everything on my list I set out to do,

but righteousness is a box that remains unchecked.

Daily, I am left wondering “when will my karma take effect?”

Everything you do in life has a side effect.

Realize, everything you go through in life, you are the architect.

Your life experiences are special effects: a script you wrote, produced, and directed— it is merely a law of effect.

Everything has a cause and effect.

Give as you expect to get.

If you dog people out, you will also be a pet.

Do right onto others, and treat them with dignity and respect.

If you fail to do so, the consequences is something you must be willing to accept.

What goes around will come around—you would think that this concept should be common to our common senses

but, many of us act and do whatever comes to mind, as if nothing we do has consequences

Karma is as merciless as a raging sea;

deep, mysterious and relentless.

For your every action there is a reaction;

your deeds will never go eventless.

You cannot stop karma, there is nothing you can do to prevent this.

When you are a victim of karma, you may say to yourself “why am I going through this?” “I don’t deserve this!” “Who sent this?”

But…you should always remain calm, when experiencing the qualms of karma’s palms— slapping you in the face;

it was meant to make you feel disoriented so, you can come back to your senses.


Your life is karma’s apprentice.

Life stinks,

but there also will be times when life will be scentless.

How fun would life be if it were predictable, methodical, routine, and suspense-less?

Happiness will not always be included in all of your endeavors.

There will be always karma—

the type of karma that will make you exempt from experiencing pleasure.

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