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Life In Your Years

Do not be influenced by what you see, or what you hear.

In life, it seems as if we are dependent upon the opinions and perspectives of others;

we should be more focused on what brings us joy, and not be influenced by the perspectives and opinions of society, family, and our peers.

I am not suggesting nor recommending anything specific,

I am merely saying “your own definition of happiness is idealistic”.

You have one life to live,


I cannot say that in any other way that would be more simplistic.

Life is an unpredictable non-genre cinema:

its signs, lessons, and messages do not have subtitles.

It is you that deciphers its scenes and gives it a title,

but some things are better left untitled.

You have one life to live,


Do good by others, and your fate will not be malignant.

If your actions upon others have been malignant and karma repeatedly pays you a series of unpleasant visits, do not feel indignant.

One should always be mindful of karma, and the suffering it elicits.

Life is a book of dreams without pagination:

live it to the full extent of your imagination.

We should not feel entitled to awakening every day…

every sun will not have a visible sunray.

Life ends abruptly, often without warning, and an explanation.

We never know when we are going to have that halo above our head illuminating.

You have one life to live,


You are not doing yourself any justice by living a life that is sub-standard to your expectations,

for it is your own sanity that you are assassinating.

Execute your dreams; what do you gain by procrastinating?

Why ruminate?

Rid the stagnant mindset; what do you accomplish by settling and letting your desires accumulate?

Why spend time in a state of infatuation instead of executing, and tangibly manifesting expectations.

There is nothing wrong with focusing on career successes and achieving higher degrees of education,

but if you think life is all work and no play - you are sadly mistaken and need a reawakening.

Life is a midget…

Age is an irreversible digit…

When it is all said and done, we leave here with nothing tangible;

we depart with merely the ecstasy of our experiences, and remembrance.

Death is inevitable: the end is always near…

Do not be terrified of death: living an unlived life is what you should fear

Live life,

put some life in your years!

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