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Can the word love exist without the existence of the word neglect?

What is your purpose of seeking a companion?

Is it because you are not financially stable, and you seek an intimate partner for a better financial standing?

Is it because he can offer you protection due to his muscular physique and his physical aggression?

Is it because of money due to his lucrative profession?

Is it because of lust?

Is it because of daddy issues due to your lacking a fatherly presence during your childhood? Are you expecting him to not only be your man, but to simultaneously be your father figure-compensating for the neglecting?

Or is it because you truly love unconditionally a genuine type of affection.

What's the purpose of a conclusion without the existence of an introduction? Everything- even a relationship, experiences its creation and its destruction. When there is a glitch provide maintenance when there is malfunction. This prevents deterioration; deterioration ultimately will lead to a relationship's destruction.



What is the purpose of a mirror if it is incapable of image reflection?

What is the purpose of practice without aims of proficiency, or perfection?

What is the purpose of your wardrobe and the clothes you choose to wear?

Is it because you are trying to satisfy someone's visual perception?

Do you intentionally cloth yourself a certain way to seek impression?

Or maybe you just cloth yourself for the sake of having clothes on- absence of seeking attention and affection.

Can God exist without religion?

Can a cross exist without lines forming an intersection?

What is the purpose of creating the word curse without the creation of the word blessing?

One of the ten commandments' states "Thou shall not kill" without scenarios, conditions, and exceptions.

Is right, wrong, good, and evil a perspective dependent upon circumstances and one's perception?

What if you were a police officer and you responded to a call to where an innocent person was being held hostage with a weapon. The perpetrator threatened lives. In order to preserve the life of the innocent you had absolutely no choice but to fatally wound the offender. Given this circumstance, would that make you a sinner? The purpose of me mentioning this is not to cause conflict and contention - it is only to say I think one should be judged not only by actions, but also by his or her intentions.


Can you have push without pull?

What is the purpose of knowledge or wisdom without the existence of the wise, and fools?

What is the purpose of food without consumption?

Can you have construction without destruction?

Can you have a choice without an option?

What is the purpose of lighting without darkness?

What is the purpose of creating the word soft without the existence of hardness?

What is the purpose of a universe without the existence of a planet?

So, what is purpose?

For something, there must be an opposite to that something in order for that something to have a function. What would be the purpose of maintenance if something is incapable of malfunction?



What is my purpose for writing?

At times, I write for a hobby because I do not want to indict -as in charge my readers for some things I put in writing. I believe a writer should do somethings for free and not solely for profit through pricing.

Writing is not illegal, but I can become quite illegal with the pen. A pen prosecutes my words into consecutive sentences that are imprisoned horizontally in a blank white square - between literary bars; two red margins, and two blue lines. What is written pleads the fifth only when words are unintelligible and not observed. When a word becomes sentenced, there is no time served. Ink are the shackles of the written word. Throughout the past, present, and future, ink ensures the sentences words form are endlessly sustained and preserved.

I just love writing! Thoughts are always thriving so, writing for me is purifying, holistic, and exciting. I intend for readers to simultaneously find my writing entertaining, informative, enlightening, thought provoking, suspenseful, and enticing.

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