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The Swiss Kiss

A silent passionate anger is absorbed deeply within the confines of my soul

every time I see her...

See her entangled comfortably in the arms of another

Daily, I conspire to seize her from this familiar other

It becomes increasingly bothersome when I see someone other than myself

kiss, touch, and rub her

The sight of someone touching her makes my heart tumultuously flutter

As I reminisce... I can audibly hear her moans echo and reverberate in my head,

when I have these prehistoric visions of her lying in my bed...

alongside of the grimaces on her face when we had sex as she intermittently plead

“harder, harder, rougher”

My internal thoughts transform into an emotional outburst as I continuously

daydream about my ex-lover

A crowd gathers near me as I become enraged as I outburst and utter

“I should have never trusted her around my...?”


I then stopped and thought to myself

“I don’t want to mention this person’s name and blow their cover”

My face stretched...

I devilishly grinned as my thoughts became dark...

Dark like a blue sky absent of sunlight and cloud-covered

I internally utter...

“I will get my revenger one way or another

all I want is one... last... pucker!”

I regathered my emotions and recouped my psyche

I still cannot get over fact she is with someone else that makes her glow so brightly,

however, he will never be like me!

From a distance I stare at her admiring her apple bottom

I became envious when his palms clenched and squeezed my forbidden fruit

I thought I was going to forever be with her

I never thought she was going replace me with a diluted substitute

My sight of her was suddenly blocked like the sun and moon during a solar eclipse

He jumps in front of her obstructing my view, snugly wrapping his arms around her

As they endlessly kiss,

my upper and lower jaws firmly met causing my teeth to firmly clench

Enraged, I uttered

“Uggggh!!! Uggggh!

Oh I can’t stand it!!!! I can’t believe this son of a...

Ooooo!!! Oooo! I can’t stand it! How can my own_ do something like this...?


I then forcibly inhale and exhale while raking my fingers vigorously through my hair,

whispering to myself with indistinctly, verbalizing words sounding like gibberish

Observing them kiss caused my mind to drift off into an abyss

I ponder upon a plot for her to cease to exist

“All I want is... one...last...kiss!”

Daily I hear the ocean whish

I see waves and surfboards lift

I would have chosen another career if I had my wish

but, I have been doing this for so long it caused me to become complacent and

develop a love for saving the stranded when hostile waters cause them to go adrift

I was once an investment stockbroker...

I lost my job as a result of market shifts, client base declinations, and stocks losing value

My customers gradually lost interest, and she also interest...

She lost interest emotionally not financially

I begged her “Please don’t leave me!”

She still decided to leave because my income decreased substantially

Her actions caused me to question, "Was our bond financial or romantic?”

I then heard yelling, screaming, which caused me to snap out of memory lane

I see a woman being swept away by turbulent waves from the sandy terrain

into the midst of the ocean’s domain

I quickly grabbed my binoculars...

In addition, I discovered it was my ex-lover drowning

The oceanic waves violently clash into her causing her to disappear

I jumped from the pier yelling

“I am coming to save you my dear!”

I found her just underneath the water

I swam her breathless, motionless body from the midst of the ocean to the shore

A baffled crowd encompasses me, observing me perform CPR

I yell “Get back everyone! Get Back everyone! Give her space!”

The crowd disperses far away... far as in the distance of the earth from the stars

I then tilt her back and pry her mouth ajar

While giving her repetitive CPR, she then regained consciousness

Water oozes out of her mouth, she then gasps for air

She then looks into my eyes with a venomous stare

I then ponder upon a creepy, intriguing idea

My idle mind becomes furnished with evil unlike IKEA

One-half of my conscience is telling me

“No don’t do it” and the other is telling me

“Do it Yea! Do it Yea!”

I revived her and looked into her eyes

just so, I can deliver one final message while torturing her

slowly bringing her to her demise

I intentionally told the crowd to get as far away as possible

therefore, they cannot witness what I am truly doing

It looks as if I am performing CPR, but their visions are misconstruing

It looks as if I am performing cardio-pulmonary resuscitation

In actuality, I was filling my mouth with sand while fiddling my tongue in her mouth

causing the sand to move deeper into her throat ultimately resulting in suffocation

I then neared her ear passionately whispering

“Choke! Choke! Choke!”

After repeatedly moving sand down her throat in bulks,

her lungs became absent of air, and she eventually croaks

She then lies motionless on the sand...

Her lips are blue, and her skin is discolored

Unlike a credit card, the cause of her death will never be discovered

While she was frantically drowning in the ocean

she could have swallowed a mixture of water and sand causing her to smother

My next task is to wreak havoc upon her lover...

In which her lover is my soon to be... former brother

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