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Bronze skin, metal coated …. Who am I…? I am what you would call a trophy; a material reward for various skill levels, ranging from expert to novice. I am not limited to a specific form; I can be a ribbon, or a framed certificate embossed with seals and hooks on the back. Compare me to a woman that is hard to get; you will never win me if you lack determination. But, shouldn’t you always put forth your best effort even if the reward was not a trophy, or a plaque…? Is it me, or is it your talent that has led you to become recognized and noticed. I am not human, so I say, “How does it feel to be victorious?" The crowd, the applause, it looks glorious. Is it your talent or, have I made you famous and notorious?"

I am not monogamous; I enjoy group scenes - being amongst a collection - of other trophies. Your multi-talent has led you to accomplish many accolades so, I wholeheartedly accept I will not be the one and only. Some may be proud of you. Some may envy you. And as crazy as this sounds, when I am around you - some of those envious people loathe me. It is the envious ones that conspire to get their hands on me. Without me, they feel like nothing. These conspirators, are the few that should realize that in the wake of winning their success in itself should cause them not to feel lonely. Sadly, they need me - and are so anxious to hold me. For goodness sakes people, I am just...a trophy!

It is quite understandable why metal, plastic, wood, ceramic, and marble materials would mold me. But what makes you? What am I talking about? Metaphorically, and abstractly let me give you a clue. Without grass, what is the purpose of dew? Without teeth, what is the purpose of the word chew? Does an animal really need a zoo? Do you get it? Or, must I go deeper into depth and detail for you?

The finer meaning in this message will go over the heads of many and will only be captured by few . Sadly, I define some people; and for others this may be untrue. Do you really need me for you to recognize that you are good at what you do? I solely should not be the ultimate reward for your service, because over time I am susceptible to wear, and tear - even though I can be recrafted, reconditioned, and refurbished.

Success in itself should always be your mission and purpose. Your success itself will always materialize and will never deteriorate like a corpse - even when you are cremated or buried six feet beneath the earth's surface. I hate that I cause some champions to become arrogant. I hate to see their overconfidence surface. Their walls and shelves may be decorated but inside, they still feel unfurnished. If I had a voice I would whisper:

“Be humble. Exercise humility . Know your ability. Do not let me nor anyone shift your character or alter your identity. I may perish, but your achievements, will cause you to live to infinity”

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