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W.I.F.E. Wedlock Isnt For Everyone

Getting married is not difficult but staying married…. is not easy From overpowering the urges of lust, to overcoming the insecurities and feelings of distrust, to dealing with the complacency and the marital changes that forces one another to compromise, negotiate and adjust. Material things will not always be abundant, but your love for one another should always be robust. Keep in mind, things will change, but…as long as those changes are for the betterment of us.

Wedlock isn’t easy. Things will change seldomly or routinely. Do not get married if you are intending to be in it partially or briefly. Do not get married if you don’t love the person deeply. Do not get married if you don’t not accept them for who they are completely. Do not get married if your reason for doing so is due to one of you being financially abundant, and the other half is financially needy. There will be differences amongst you all, but make sure you always address your marital problems discreetly.

There are many that are married that do not have the attributes of a wife. There are the few who are not married who have the attributes of a wife. To those who are not married and possess the attributes of a wife manifest your aspirations and become a wife. The perfect person is waiting for you to come into my their life. Or maybe…. they are already there standing right in front of you; for true love you will never have to second guess it, nor look twice.

Then there are those who are jealous and envious—who admire your husband or your wife, who will make up any lie, plot, and scheme —all because they want a piece of your pie, as they are desperately curious to know what it is like to have a slice and what it is like to be illuminated in your limelight. These are the same people who may be camouflaged as friends and disguised as your enemy. These are the same people as to when you are going through bad times and in need of guidance and support, they will intentionally give you bad advice—not to help you but only to fulfill their own delights. These people are willing to do any and everything to get that special he or she out of your life. But…not even a shadow stays hidden for long—what’s in the dark shall come to the light. That goes to show you “Marriage is like diamonds - it always runs the risk of a heist.”

Wedlock Isn’t For Everyone. Marriage isn’t always fun. There are going to be temptations and urges to run. There are going to be times to where you want to quit, give up, and be done. But remember… you got married because you wanted to spend an eternity with your loved one. Wedlock isn’t easy. You are more than welcome to try it if you don’t believe me.

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